
I am a writer.  Magnificat is a cat.  We are not doctors, veterinarians, or any other type of medical professional or expert in being anything but ourselves.  I do talk to such people and read their reports (and Magnificat hits them up for food and belly rubs), but this doesn't mean anything except that we are well meaning.  (And Magnificat is well known for lying - particularly about whether or not she has been fed yet.)  Don't unthinkingly take advice from people you find over the internet - especially us.  (Magnificat claims to be an expert on all things cat, but I have my doubts.)  If you are going on a diet, or thinking about it, or starting a new exercise program - whether you are a human or a feline - you should check with an appropriate medical professional first.

We will recommend and review products and services.  Unless we specifically say otherwise, we bought these ourselves at the store or however normal people (and cats) would procure such an item.  If Magnificat talks about how fun it is to chase mice, these are normal mice she found in the yard (or worse yet the house), not special mice given to her by the mouse industry or something.  (Not that she would turn down mouse donations from the mouse industry, whatever that is, but neither they, nor anyone else, are knocking down our door to give us stuff anyway.)  When we link to items, whenever possible, we will use affiliate links so that if you do decide to buy something we mentioned, we get a cut, because Magnificat has a very expensive catnip and flea control habit.  If you don't like this, you are welcome to use a search engine to figure out how to buy direct but the same money will pretty much just go to some other advertising or marketing source and hey, don't you love us more?

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